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Warranty conditions of fighting the disease!



Imagine yourself as a General of a powerful army. You may be a hero with a history of winning every single war. This time, world’s most powerful nation is waging war against you. Following is what all of your troops are engaged with now.


  1. Some of your troops are engaged in a limited war with a less dangerous neighboring nation.

  2. Some of your troops are engaged in fighting domestic terrorists within your country.

  3. Some of your troops are engaged in controlling the protesting public against the policies of your own government.

  4. Some of your troops are engaged in building bridges, constructing roads etc civilian works within your country.

  5. Some of your troops are holidaying.

  6. Some of your troops are engaged in training the troops of your friendly nation.

  7. Some of your troops are engaged in working on a peacekeeping mission in some other war-torn country.


Now, what is your strategy in fighting back the world’s most powerful nation that is waging war against you? You may be a hero. Still, you just can’t win a war if you try to wage war against multiple enemies simultaneously and engaging your troops in several other activities. Following is the action plan.


  1. Enter into a compromise pact with your neighboring nation.

  2. Buy some time by inviting the domestic terrorists for talks.

  3. Let the local police deal with the protesting public on one hand and let your civilian government come forward with some policy changes to mitigate the public unrest on the other hand.

  4. Engage the civilian labor to build bridges and construct roads within your country.

  5. Call off the holidays and bring back all your holidaying troops.

  6. Bring back all your troops that are engaged in training your friendly nation.

  7. Bring back all your troops that are engaged in peacekeeping mission in some other war-torn country.


Now, only now, you are well-prepared to wage a war against the world’s powerful nation. Now, let us see how to implement the same strategy against your life-threatening disease or disorder. First of all, we will list out all those very important but avoidable tasks that most of your troops and resources are engaged with. Then we will chalk out an action plan.


1- Some of your troops are engaged in maintaining the PH of your body fluids by converting inorganic minerals into organic minerals.


ACTION PLAN: By eating potassium and sodium rich natural food and by not eating or minimizing inorganic sodium (salt) on one hand and limiting the cooked food to one session per day on the other hand – we can turn the PH of our body fluids to a healthy level. Only then we can call-off your troops engaged in maintaining the PH.

2- Some of your troops are engaged in digesting the complex food you eat.


ACTION PLAN: Reduce the complexity of your food by saying good-bye to all kinds of frozen, processed and packaged food, including such processed food ingredients and by steam-cooking or pressure-cooking the food on one hand and by limiting your cooked food sessions to once per day on the other hand. This will reduce the complexity of your food to a great extent as well as reduce the burden of digesting the food round the clock. Only then you can call-off your troops engaged in digesting the complex food you eat 3 times a day.

3- Some of your troops are engaged in distributing the food, oxygen, water and hormones to several trillions of cells and then to collect the cellular waste from all those cells by travelling several thousands of kilometers of distance in the blood routes.


ACTION PLAN: Reduce the number of kilometers your blood travels by losing your body weight. The less is your body weight, the lesser will be the distance your blood needs to travel for distribution of nutrients and collection of wastes. The more is this distance because of additional fat in your body, the greater will be the struggle of your heart to pump the blood using maximum force with maximum frequency. By turning your heavy body into a lean body, you can call-off your troops engaged in travelling those extra kilometers all these years.

4- Several corners of your body fail to get the blood supply due to the closed and or narrow blood routes.


ACTION PLAN: By performing yogasanas, you can pierce open the narrow blood routes leading to several corners of your body, where your blood could not reach previously. By doing this, one way you can relieve the troops involved in that toughest job of distributing nutrients and collecting wastes and in another way, you can maximize the efficiency of your troops that are held-up in the inactive corners of your body by letting them have free access to the blood supply.


5- Some of your troops are actively engaged in fighting free radicals that are the result of complexity in the cooked food and processed food.


ACTION PLAN: Since it is impossible to live only on raw food and very difficult to eat 100% healthy food every day, end your every cooked meal with three to five grams of home-made Amla murabba. The huge army of antioxidants that are present in the amla, would relieve your troops and fight against the free radicals present in the unhealthy elements of the cooked and or processed food.

6- Some of your troops are engaged in the stomach in chewing, cutting, tearing, crushing and grinding the food into small particles. Some other troops are engaged in releasing more digestive juices, as you failed to mix saliva before gulping the food into the stomach.


ACTION PLAN: By using your teeth and tongue in chewing, cutting, tearing, crushing and grinding the food into smaller particles and by mixing the saliva into the food before gulping it into the stomach – you can relieve your troops from those unwanted tasks.

7- Some of your troops are engaged in fighting with the harmful bacteria that was born out of your over-stocked feces for a long time.

ACTION PLAN: By scheduling your stools sessions, at least once in the morning and the second session in the evening or night – you can clear the feces on daily basis without stocking-up. Once you stop the generation of bacteria in the colon, your troops will be relieved from this unwanted war with harmful bacteria.

8- Some of your troops are engaged in digesting the food even during the middle of the night and then converting the digested food back into fat as you don’t require energy while sleeping.

ACTION PLAN: By skipping dinner or replacing regular cooked dinner with fruit dinner, you can relieve the troops from this unwanted job of manufacturing unwanted fat out of dinner and depositing the same in every possible corner of the body.


9- Most of your troops are scattered and indulged in different unwanted and not so important tasks.


ACTION PLAN: By performing Sandhya Vandanam with the only sankalpam (wish) of conquering the disease, you can make sure of all those soldiers those who are scattered and indulged in different unwanted and not so important tasks will now focus on a single task of fighting the disease.


Since you are free from several unwanted tasks, you can divert the oxygen that was used to perform all those unwanted tasks till now, to fight back your disease or disorder. Many of your troops (cells) are free from several unwanted tasks. You can make use of them in fighting back your disease or disorder. Believe me, your body is made to fight back any kind of threat. The cells of your own body are highly powerful, intelligent and capable compared to any doctor and medicine in this whole world.

Srinivas Balla


Phone: +91 9882599999.

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