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By clicking on the below given first button, of X shape in ash colour, you will be able to enlarge and read any of these 27 books online. Click the same button to minimise the page size. Double click on the page to zoom it into full screen. Please don't forget to leave your feedback in the comments box. You may also mail me your feedback. It really matters a lot, please. My mail ID:

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offers 27 FREE digital books on
Vedic Science & Self Healing!

The book titled POSTPONE DEATH, is exclusively meant for patients. It deals with disease management from the Vedic perspective. Believe me, there is no single disease that can't be cured naturally. However, you are free to continue medical treatment while adapting to the lifestyle suggested by this book. This book teaches you the step by step process of self-healing, even if you are suffering from a life-threatening disease. The book titled THE ORIGINAL VEDA is all about ancient Vedic Science that deals with the process of fulfilling your desires in a systematic way. Believe me, even if you are a failure in life, this book turns you into a successful man. The above two books are meant for book lovers, who relish reading text rich books. Keeping in view of people who don’t enjoy reading books, many small books are presented here. It won’t take more than two hours to finish reading most of those small books. The book titled HOW TO RULE INDIA is meant for rulers and bureaucrats. I insist you all read the following two books: 1- GOD REALIZATION. 2- KUNDALINI AND CHAKRAS, just in case you skip reading THE ORIGINAL VEDA book. The good news is that 20 out of these 27 books are under 30 pages, and so, you can finish reading each book within two hours! And the best part is that what is usually conveyed in a hundred pages is written here in just twenty pages. COMPACT YET COMPLETE! Separate versions are made available for people who prefer to read online on phone screen, tab, laptop and desktop. If you are not comfortable reading online, download for free and read offline or take a print-out. Find the download button at the end of this page.



Near a water body in Hyderabad in 2018

Srinivas Balla

The moment someone starts talking about Vedas or Vedic concepts, people conclude that he is either an illiterate or superstitious. This is happening because none of the preachers have supported their theories with logic and reason. And you never confront these preachers as you all have high regard for them and or you all are convinced that Vedic theories are purely a matter of personal belief. Still, if you insist for logic, Hindu preachers, being influenced by the western materialistic thinking, claim that yoga is to cure diseases, meditation is to get stress relief, spiritual thinking is for peace etc nonsense. Every single Vedic concept’s primary objective is to bring some eternal benefit. Remember, no single Vedic practice is aimed at bringing in physical benefits. If at all a particular Vedic practice is delivering you some material benefit, it is purely a POSITIVE SIDE EFFECT.


Now it is my turn. What and how should I preach? Neither I enjoy the luxury of being considered as a highly regarded personality, nor I was influenced by the western materialistic thought. Hence, I ought to substantiate every single Vedic concept that I put-forth here with a real reason. Moreover, it is my life mission to prove that original Vedic concepts are purely a matter of most advanced science, but not at all a matter of mere personal belief.

That is the reason, instead of just commanding you to follow my instructions blindly – I tried to provide detailed logic behind most Vedic concepts and also made it sure that every one of you will be able to produce spiritual power to match your needs, once you finish reading the book titled THE ORIGINAL VEDA. Whatever they failed to convey in thousands of books, each one filled with several hundreds of pages, is taught here in just 428 pages! Am I boasting myself? You will come to know only after reading it. Interestingly, to produce spiritual power and realize the God – you don’t need to leave your family, you don’t need to meditate in Himalayas, you don’t need to sit in padmasana position……….That is what I learned during my one and half year stay in Himalayas, although I stayed there with my family.


There are 27 books available here for you to read them online or download for free. The book titled POSTPONE DEATH, is exclusively meant for patients. It deals with disease management from the Vedic perspective. Believe me, there is no single disease that can't be cured naturally. However, you are free to continue medical treatment while adapting to the lifestyle suggested by this book. This book teaches you the step by step process of self-healing, even if you are suffering from a life-threatening disease. The book titled THE ORIGINAL VEDA is all about ancient Vedic Science that deals with the process of fulfilling your desires in a systematic way. Believe me, even if you are a failure in life, this book turns you into a successful man. The above two books are meant for book lovers, who relish reading text rich books. Keeping in view of people who don’t enjoy reading books, many small books are presented here. It won’t take more than two hours to finish reading most of those small books. The book titled HOW TO RULE INDIA is meant for rulers and bureaucrats. I insist you all read the following two books: 1- GOD REALIZATION. 2- KUNDALINI AND CHAKRAS.

It is my wish to reestablish the vanaprastha ashram (a spiritual retreat) in some forest. Interested people are requested to be in touch with me. It is not mandatory to live in that ashram forever, as you can also lead the same lifestyle at your regular home. You don't need to leave your family. You can bring your family along too. It is high-time to go back to the original Vedic life.

Srinivas Balla, the Founder Director and Author, is a graduate in Law from Andhra University and a post-graduate in Management from Indian Institute of Advanced Management.

Please note that is neither affiliated to nor recognized by any government body. is a free online self-learning platform, created and run by its Founder Director, Srinivas Balla.

27 FREE Digital Books

By clicking on the below given first button, of X shape in ash colour, you will be able to enlarge and read any of these 27 books online. Click the same button to minimise the page size. Double click on the page to zoom it into full screen. Please don't forget to leave your feedback in the comments box. You may also mail me your feedback. It really matters a lot, please. My mail ID:


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Srinivas Balla



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